About Our PTA

Broomhaugh First School PTA

Registered Charity Number 1022267


Our PTA runs regular fundraising and social events for the whole school community. Our fundraising efforts help to enhance the education and experience of all the children at the school and will continue to do so with your support.


Who are we?

All families of pupils at our school are ultimately members of the PTA. 

We have a small group of parents/carers and teachers who come together regularly to organise events that not only raise valuable funds but also provide fun activities for the children and whole school community:


Chair: Amanda Morgan

Deputy Chair: Leanne Dawson

Treasurer: Ruth Symes

Secretary: Kate Houseman

Active/Core members: Lisa Phillips, Rebecca Hutchison, Gemma Horn


How you can help?

We are always in need for help with organising activities and coming up with new ideas. If you think you can help and/or would like to join the core group, please reach out to your class contact, look out for the PTA parents in the playground or email us (broomhaugh.pta@outlook.com).


Regular class contacts:

Reception: Gemma Horn

Y1: Rebecca Hutchison

Y2: Leanne Dawson

Y3: Christine Kimpton

Y4: Kate Houseman


We also have a Whatsapp group for volunteers. To join please get in touch using the details above.


What do we do?

School discos, film nights, cake sales, summer fayres, Christmas hampers, pop-up swap shops, adult quizzes and bingo discos.

Please keep an eye on the Upcoming Events section of this website to make sure you don’t miss out!


What have we helped to fund so far/funded regularly?

Playground apparatus

IT equipment

School Trips

STEM workshops

Christmas pantomimes