PSHE & RSE Curriculum

Below is our Intent, Implementation and Impact document for our PSHE curriculum including the statutory RSHE elements and also information describing how the curriculum is adapted and enabled. 
We have a long term overview which is the basis for a more detailed medium term overview that identifies the knowledge key skills, concepts taught throughout school. These documents are reviewed regularly to ensure they are relevant and appropriate for the current educational climate. 
Our topic cycle is based on the Question Based Model from the PSHE Association supplemented with school specific topics and content.  
The enabling and adapting document outlines how the PSHE curriculum is made accessible to all learners.
The language and vocabulary to be taught in relation to the PSHRE curriculum has been agreed by the federation of BFS and CFS. In July 2023, parents were invited into school to join an open discussion regarding the terminology.
Please find below the PSHRE curriculum and associated language and vocabulary broken down into each year group,
If you have any questions about the language used then please contact Mrs Hart or Mrs Burton.